
- A Model is a simplification of Reality

- Models capture the Essential aspects of a system which are relevant to a given level of Abstraction ( 모델 : 필수적 요소만 나타낸것 )

Reasons of using Model

  1. To Visualize a system as it’s or as we want it to be
  2. To Specify the structure or behavior of a system
  3. To give a blueprint to Construct a system
  4. To Document the decisions we have made

A Model may be structural or behavioral

- Static Models ( Structure Models )
Describe a structural prperties of a system

- Dynamic Models ( Behavior Models )
Describe a behavioral properties of a system

Unified Modeling Language (UML 2.0)

  • Visual Notation ans semantics
  • Process Independent
  • Not Process, Just Notation

- Static Models ( Structure Models )

  1. Class Diagrams
  2. Object Diagrams
  3. Component Diagrams
  4. Deployment Diagrams
  5. Package Diagrams
  6. Composite Structure Diagrams

- Dynamic Models ( Behavior Models )

  1. Activity Diagrams
  2. Use Case Diagrams
  3. State Machine Diagrams
  4. Interaction Diagrams
    1. Sequence Diagram
    2. Communication Diagram
    3. Interaction Overview Diagrams
    4. Timing Diagrams

Ways of Using UML

  • Different ways in which people want to use UML
    • UML as sketch
    • UML as blueprint
    • UML as programming language

실질 적으로 대부분 sketch 까지만 진행

  • Forward Engineering
    • draws a UML diagram before you write code
  • Reverse Engineering
    • builds a UML diagram from existing code in order to help understand it

Unified Process


Inception -> Elaboration -> construction -> Transition

각각의 단계에서 달성해야 할 Goal 이 무엇인지 파악하는것이 매우 중요하다.

Object-Oriented Analysis

Analysis emphasizes an Investigation, Understanding, and Discovery of the problem domain and requirements what the problem is about and what a system must do

Analysis dosen’t concern how a logical solution is defined

All the vocalbularies used in the analysis must from the Problem Domain

- Requirement Analysis


Investigation of functional & non - functional requirements Functional requirement are captured by Use-Case Model

- Object Analysis


Investigation of domain objects, i.e., emphasizing on finding and describing objects (or concepts) in the problem domain Captured by Domain Model

Object-Oriented Design

  • OOD is primarily a process of Invention and Adaption of conceptual solution
  • OOD tends to be relatively independent of the language used

Object-Oriented Programming


  • This corresponds to the implementation discipline
  • The classes and class operations are coded, tested, and intergrated

—> There is no one correct representation

Core of the Unified Process (UP)

Iterative and Incremental development process using a set of principles and methods based on Objects in the Problem Domain rather than actions performed by the system

  • Iterative
    Instead of building the entire system as one go, the project has a few or many builds. A build includes only a subset of the entire functionality

  • Incremental
    Software is developed on top of previous build. Make small but noticeable improvements in each iteration

Additional UP Best Practices

  • Tackle high-risk and high-value issues in early iterations ( 어려운 것을 먼저 한다 )
  • Continuously engage users for evaluation, feedback and requirements ( 고객의 요구사항을 지속적으로 수용한다 )
  • Build a cohesive, core Architiecture in early iterations ( 초반에는 응집적이며 중심구조적인 아키텍쳐로 설계한다 )
  • Continuously verify quality; test early, often, and realistically ( 지속적인 테스트를 한다 )
  • Apply Use Cases ( UP 중심에는 Use-Case 가 있다 )
  • Model software visually ( with UML )
  • Carefully manage requirements
  • Practice change request and configuration management

UP Development Cycle


1. Inception

  • Feasibility Phase ( 실현 가능한가? )
  • Establish approximate vision and business case

2. Elaboration -> 시스템의 성패를 가르는 가장 중요한 단계

  • Implement core architecture (시스템의 전체적인 모습이 완성되는 단계이다. )
  • 수행 전 고객의 Requirement 의 80 ~ 90% 이상을 알고 있어야한다.
  • Resovle High Risks ( 리스크 요소가 큰 것부터 해결한다 -> Elaboration 이 끝날때는 High Risk 가 없는게 지향적이다 )

3. Construction

  • Iterative implementation of the remaining lower risk and easier elements
  • Preparation for deployment

4. Transition

  • Get User Feedback

UP Disciplines and Artifacts

  • A discipline (관련분야) is a set of activities (and related artifacts) in one subject area, such as activities in requirements analysis
  • An artifact (discipline 으로 만들어진 결과 산출물) is the general term used for any work product

Two Desert Island SKills in OOA & OOD

  • Assigning responsibilities to software components
  • Finding suitable objects or abstraction