Intersecting two postings lists ( Continue )

For the intersection of two posting lists of lengths x and y, its time complexity is O(x + y)

	answer = {}
	while p1 is not null and p2 is not null:
		if docId(p1) == docId(p2):
			p1 <- next(p1)
			p2 <- next(p2)
		else if docId(p1) < docId(p2):
			p1 <- next(p1)
		else :
			p2 <- next(p2)
	return answer


Prove that the algorithm INTERSECTION finds the complete list of common docIDs

Proof by mathematical induction

  1. Premise

    Lists L1 and L2 share a set of common docIDs <d1, d2, .., dn> which are in the increasing order

  2. Prove

      - we change the presudo code slightly that initial answer is { d0 }
      - At the beginning of each Iteration where d(i-1) < docId(p1) < d(i) and d(i-1) < docId(p2) < d(i)

    -> answer is {d0, d1, d2, … d(i-1)}

    (Loop Invariant)

  3. Maintenance

	if docId(p1) == docId(p2) == d(i):
		answer = {d0, ... , d(i)}
		d(i) < docId(p1) <= d(i+1)
		d(i) < docId(p2) <= d(i+1)
	else :
		d(i-1) < docId(p1) <= d(i)
		d(i-1) < docId(p2) <= d(i)

  => p1 이나 p2 가 shift 되면 d(i)보다 커질수 있다?

  ===> 아니다. Loop Invariant 에서 어긋남

  ===> Thus, At the beginning of next Iteration, the loop invariant is still true

  4. Temination

  For simple proof, assume docId(NULL) = d(Last number) > d(n)

  W.L.O.G , Let’s say p1 = NULL . That is d(n) < docId(p1) <= d(L) and d(n) < docId(p2) <= d(L)

  By the Loop invariant, answer is {d0, …, d(n)}