Intersecting two postings lists ( Continue )

AND NOT (p1, p2) -> p1 에는 있고 p2 에는 없는것

Intersect AND NOT (p1,p2)
	answer = {}
	while p1 is not null and p2 is not null:
		if docId(p1) < docId(p2):
			p1 <- next(p1)
		else if docId(p2) < docId(p1):
			p2 <- next(p2)
		else :
			p1 <- next(p1)
			p2 <- next(p2)
	while p1 is not NULL:
		p1 <- next(p1)
	return answer

OR (p1,p2) -> p1 이나 p2 둘중 아무 곳에다 있는것

Intersect OR (p1,p2)
	answer = {}
	if p1 is not NULL:
	    while p2 is not NULL:
	    	add(answer, p2)
	    	p2 <- next(p2)
	if p2 is not NULL:
	    while p1 not NULL:      
	        add(answer, p1)
	        p1 <- next(p1)

Boolean queries

Boolean Queries are queries using AND, OR and NOT to join query terms
Perhaps the simplest model to build an IR system on

  • Views each document as a set of words
  • Is precise: document matches condition or not

    ==> set : word 의 order / frequency 는 고려하지 않는다.

Example - WestLaw

blank : or operation
~! : start with prefix ( ex LIMIT  시작하는 단어 )

Phrase queries

Biword indexes

  • Index every consecutive pair of terms in the text as a phrase
  • Each of these biwords is now a dictionary term

Longer phrase queries -> n words ==> (n+1)Combination(2) ==> O(n^2)

Index blowup due to bigger dictionary

Infeasible for more than biwords, big even for them

A B C D E -> there is 6 position to stand words

So (6)Combination(2) biwords exists

Positional indexes

  1. Extract inverted index entries for each distinct term
  2. Merge their doc: position lists to enumerate all positions with terms
  3. Same general method for proximity searches

“to be or not to be” -> “to” “be” “to” “be”

Index -> “to” 0 / “be” 1 / “to” 4 / “be” 5

1 / 2 과정


3 과정


DocId 가 다르면 포인터를 다음 DocId 로 옮긴다.

Result ==> 429/430 (first to be) , 433/434 (second to be)