Index Construction

  • How do we construct an index?
  • What strategies can we use with limited main memory?

- Hardware Basics

  • Access to data in memory is much faster than access to data on disk
  • Disk seeks : No data is transferred from disk while the disk head is being positioned
  • Disk I/O is block-based : Reading and writing of entire blocks (as opposed to smaller chunks)

- Can we use the same index construction algorithm for larger collections, but by using disk instead of memory?

  • No , too many disk seeks needs ( Overhead Increased )
  • So, We need an External Sorting Algorithm

Blocked Sort-Based Indexing ( BSBI )


Run : 처음부터 끝까지 Seek 한다 -> 디스크 Seek 한번만 필요하게 저장이 되어있는 경우

Disk 에서 Memory 로 한 Page 씩 읽어들임
HIT / OS Caching ( 다음에 근처 Data 를 읽을 때 좀 더 빠르게 접근 가능 )

External Sorting Using Merge Sort


M : Main Memory 에 들어갈 수 있는 공간

Using Quicksort in Memory Pairs because mergesort has more memory space than Quicksort

- Example 1 )


- Example 2 )


Cost Analysis ( i/O )


Cost Seek


