- A Model is a simplification of Reality
- Models capture the Essential aspects of a system which are relevant to a given level of Abstraction ( 모델 : 필수적 요소만 나타낸것 )
Reasons of using Model
- To Visualize a system as it’s or as we want it to be
- To Specify the structure or behavior of a system
- To give a blueprint to Construct a system
- To Document the decisions we have made
A Model may be structural or behavioral
- Static Models ( Structure Models )
Describe a structural prperties of a system
- Dynamic Models ( Behavior Models )
Describe a behavioral properties of a system
Unified Modeling Language (UML 2.0)
- Visual Notation ans semantics
- Process Independent
- Not Process, Just Notation
- Static Models ( Structure Models )
- Class Diagrams
- Object Diagrams
- Component Diagrams
- Deployment Diagrams
- Package Diagrams
- Composite Structure Diagrams
- Dynamic Models ( Behavior Models )
- Activity Diagrams
- Use Case Diagrams
- State Machine Diagrams
- Interaction Diagrams
1. Sequence Diagram
2. Communication Diagram
3. Interaction Overview Diagrams
4. Timing Diagrams
Ways of Using UML
- Different ways in which people want to use UML
- UML as sketch
- UML as blueprint
- UML as programming language
실질 적으로 대부분 sketch 까지만 진행
- Forward Engineering
- draws a UML diagram before you write code
- Reverse Engineering
- builds a UML diagram from existing code in order to help understand it
Unified Process
Inception -> Elaboration -> construction -> Transition
각각의 단계에서 달성해야 할 Goal 이 무엇인지 파악하는것이 매우 중요하다.
Object-Oriented Analysis
Analysis emphasizes an Investigation, Understanding, and Discovery of the problem domain and requirements what the problem is about and what a system must do
Analysis dosen’t concern how a logical solution is defined
All the vocalbularies used in the analysis must from the Problem Domain
- Requirement Analysis
Investigation of functional & non - functional requirements Functional requirement are captured by Use-Case Model
- Object Analysis
Investigation of domain objects, i.e., emphasizing on finding and describing objects (or concepts) in the problem domain Captured by Domain Model
Object-Oriented Design
- OOD is primarily a process of Invention and Adaption of conceptual solution
- OOD tends to be relatively independent of the language used
Object-Oriented Programming
- This corresponds to the implementation discipline
- The classes and class operations are coded, tested, and intergrated
—> There is no one correct representation
Core of the Unified Process (UP)
Iterative and Incremental development process using a set of principles and methods based on Objects in the Problem Domain rather than actions performed by the system
Instead of building the entire system as one go, the project has a few or many builds. A build includes only a subset of the entire functionality -
Software is developed on top of previous build. Make small but noticeable improvements in each iteration
Additional UP Best Practices
- Tackle high-risk and high-value issues in early iterations ( 어려운 것을 먼저 한다 )
- Continuously engage users for evaluation, feedback and requirements ( 고객의 요구사항을 지속적으로 수용한다 )
- Build a cohesive, core Architiecture in early iterations ( 초반에는 응집적이며 중심구조적인 아키텍쳐로 설계한다 )
- Continuously verify quality; test early, often, and realistically ( 지속적인 테스트를 한다 )
- Apply Use Cases ( UP 중심에는 Use-Case 가 있다 )
- Model software visually ( with UML )
- Carefully manage requirements
- Practice change request and configuration management
UP Development Cycle
1. Inception
- Feasibility Phase ( 실현 가능한가? )
- Establish approximate vision and business case
2. Elaboration -> 시스템의 성패를 가르는 가장 중요한 단계
- Implement core architecture (시스템의 전체적인 모습이 완성되는 단계이다. )
- 수행 전 고객의 Requirement 의 80 ~ 90% 이상을 알고 있어야한다.
- Resovle High Risks ( 리스크 요소가 큰 것부터 해결한다 -> Elaboration 이 끝날때는 High Risk 가 없는게 지향적이다 )
3. Construction
- Iterative implementation of the remaining lower risk and easier elements
- Preparation for deployment
4. Transition
- Get User Feedback
UP Disciplines and Artifacts
- A discipline (관련분야) is a set of activities (and related artifacts) in one subject area, such as activities in requirements analysis
- An artifact (discipline 으로 만들어진 결과 산출물) is the general term used for any work product
Two Desert Island SKills in OOA & OOD
- Assigning responsibilities to software components
- Finding suitable objects or abstraction