Real World (problem domain) —(Programs)—> Computer (solution domain)
Programs = Algorithms + Datastructrues;
Reasons of Using Object-Oriented Programming
Ability to take advantage of new operating systems and tools.
Elegantly tackle complexity & create easy adaptability.
Cost savings
Reuse is not usually achieved or worthwhile at the object-level
객체 하나하나의 재사용은 효과가 크지 않다.)
But Reuse of architecture, analysis and design patterns is usually achieved
framework 나 design pattern 의 재사용은 효과가 크다.)
Design Pattern is a description of a Problems / Solution pair in a certain Context
Reasons of Using Framework
Semi-complete application ( 뼈대 생성 )
Inversion of control ( framework 가 주도권을 가진다. )
Domain - specific
To obtain flexible and reusable systems, it is better to base the structure of software on the Object rather than on the Actions
=> 재사용가능한 소프트웨어를 사용하기 위해서는 Object 기반 소프트웨어를 사용하는 것이 바람직하다.