Inverted Index
Inverted Index Construction
Document ex) Friends are Romans
Tokenizer Friends, are, Romans
Linguistic Modules friend, are, roman
Indexer friend -> posting = (2, 4, ...)
roman -> posting = (13, 16 ...)
Initial Stages of Text Processing
Map text and query term to same form
ex) you want U.S.A and USA to match
Cut Character sequence into word tokens
Stemming (어근)
we may wish different forms of a root to match
ex) computer, computing, computation .. => compute
Stop words
we may omit very common words (or not)
ex) the, a, of, to …
Indexer step
Step 1) Token sequence
sequence of ( Modified token, docID ) paris
Step 2) Sorts
sort by terms and docID
Step 3) Dictionary & Postings
- 1. Multiple term entries in a single document are merged
- 2. Split into dictionary and posting
- 3. Document frequency information is added
=> Has O(nlogn) time -> using Map Reduce to reduce time
Doc1 boy deep fire sea
Doc2 nation sea deep
Doc3 nation apple fire ban
Doc4 nine nation boy people
step 1. (boy, doc1) (deep, doc1) (fire, doc1) (sea, doc1)
(nation, doc2) (sea, doc2) (deep, doc2)
(nation, doc3) (apple, doc3) (fire, doc3) (ban, doc3)
(nine, doc4) (nation, doc4) (boy, doc4) (people, doc4)
step 2. (apple, doc3)
(ban, doc3)
(boy, doc1)
(boy, doc4)
(deep, doc1)
(deep, doc2)
(fire, doc1)
(fire, doc3)
(nation, doc2)
(nation, doc3)
(nation, doc4)
(nine, doc4)
(sea, doc1)
(sea, doc2)
(people, doc4)
step 3. apple : 1 -> doc3
ban : 1 -> doc3
boy : 2 -> doc1, doc4
deep : 2 -> doc1, doc2
fire : 2 -> doc1, doc3
nation : 3 -> doc2, doc3, doc4
nine : 1 -> doc4
sea : 2 -> doc1, doc2
people : 1 -> doc4
Query Processing
Step 1). AND operation
(consider processing the query A AND B)
Step 2). Locate A in Dictionary
Step 3). Locate B in Dictionary
Step 4). Merge the two posting and find interested things
‘A’ token Dictionary / ‘B’ token Dictionary -> insert hash table == O(n) time
But! hash table 크기가 현실적으로 매우커서 메모리에 상주하게 두고 검색 불가능 -
pointer X ▼
‘A’ : word1 / word2 …
pointer Y ▼
‘B’ : word2 / word8 …
Two pointer x, y => 해당 포인터 값이 더 작은게 한칸씩 이동하며 비교
포인터 값끼리 비교하며 같은 값이 있는 경우 뽑아냄
if A length is A’ and B length is B’ , O(A’+B’) linear time
Curial : Each posting must be sorted by DocId