Object-Oriented Paradigm builds on three import concepts

  1. Objcets
  2. Classes
  3. Inheritance
  4. (Additional) Polymorphism

Objects have attributes that help describe them

Objects have externally observable behaviors

aka Services - 사용자관점 or Responsibilites - 객체관점(Interface, Type)

Encapsulating state of object rather than expose it is good engineering

Encapsulation : separatino of inerface from implementation


-> don’t need to know how object will perform actions,

   But need to know what messages it will understand

Objects have Unique Identities

Identity is property of object distinguishes itself from all other objects

-> Don’t confuse between the name (or handle) of object and object itself

Objects communicate by sending Messages (Request for action)

Objects perform actions by making requests of each other through messages

there is a designated Receiver (or target) that accepts the messages

the actual behavior performed by the receiver may be different,

depending upon the Type of the Receiver => Polymorphrism

(상속관계에 있는 polymorphrism 은 pure polymorphrism -> 대부분의 polymorphrism)

(Method overloading -> Ad hoc polymorphrism)

Ask not what you can do to objects, but Ask what objects can do for you

Class is a group of ojbects with similar attributes and behavior

Class is a Repository for behavior and

the internal representation of the associated objects

Objects are created from classes through the process of Instantiation(실체화)

Objects are actual Instances of a class

Classes are factories and objects are products from the factory

-> the terms instance and object are interchangeable

Object can have many types / Ojects of different classes can have same type