Spelling Correction
- Isolated Word
- Check each word on its own for misspelling
- Will not catch typos resulting in correctly spelled words
( from -> form 둘 다 존재하는 단어이기 때문에 무엇이 맞는지 모른다. ) - So cannot find correctly spelled words
- Context Sensitive
- Look at surrounding words
- Complexity
Isolated Word Correction
- Fundamental premise - there is a lexicon from which the correct speelings come
- Two basic choices for this
- A Standard Lexicon
( 사전에 있는 단어인지 체크 후 없다면 비슷한 단어로 고침 ) - The Lexicon of the indexed corpus
- A Standard Lexicon
- 3 kinds of several alternatives
- Edit Distance (Levenshtein Distance)
- Weighted Edit Distance
- N-gram overlap
< Edit Distance >
- Give two strings S1 and S2, the minimum number of operations to convert one to the other
- Operations are typically character-level
Insert, Delete, Replace
Edit Distance
dof , dog ==> 1
cat , act ==> 2
cat , dog ==> 3
- Generally found by Dynamic Programming
- Levenshtein
- Edit Distance Metrics
- Distance is shortest sequence of edit commands that transform s to t.
- Simplest set of operations
- Copy char from s over to t
- Delete char in s ( cost 1 )
- Insert char in t ( cost 1 )
- Dynamic Algorithm
==> d(s(i),t(j)) : s(i) 와 t(j) 를 비교하여 같다면 0 다르다면 1 를 가진다.
==> this algorithm has O(m-n) time Complexity
==> c(s(i),t(j)) : a(i) 와 b(j) 를 비교하여 같다면 0 다르다면 1 를 가진다.